Jeff Lemire Covers 'Wild's End' #2

stephengervais's picture


Response to the debut of Dan Abnett and I.N.J. Culbard’s Wild’s End has been overwhelmingly positive, so we're excited to share this news: We’ve just added a second cover to Wild’s End #2 and it’s illustrated by none other than Jeff Lemire (Underwater Welder, Sweet Tooth)! The final order cutoff date for this issue is Monday, Sept. 22nd(comic shop owners have until that day to order copies, so fans should let them know ASAP!), and it goes on sale in comic shops on Oct. 15. Retailers can order it in any quantity (cover price of $3.99) using Diamond Order Code AUG148027. The main cover of this issue is illustrated by series artist I.N.J. Culbard. See below for Lemire’s cover!

Wild's End #2 Cover B
Wild's End #2 Cover B by Jeff Lemire
And for good measure, here is Culbard's Cover A to issue #2:
Wild's End #2 Cover A
Wild's End #2 Cover A by I.N.J. Culbard
