BLACK SCIENCE Gains Speed, More Fans Join Dimension-​Hopping Adventure

stephengervais's picture
New science-fiction action is the hit comic of the winter,
goes into second printing


The second issue of the hot new series BLACK SCIENCE, created by Rick Remender (THE LAST CHRISTMAS, Uncanny Avengers, Captain America) and Matteo Scalera (DEAD BODY ROAD), has already garnered critical acclaim and instantly sold out on the day of the release. The speed and action picks up when the group realizes that the likelihood of returning home might be jeopardized… by someone among their group. A new group leader is appointed and more information on their perilous journey is revealed.

Black Science is a winner. Any sci-fi fan will be hooked.” —Iann Robinson, Crave Online
“The visually-stunning first issue plunges the reader head first into a Rod Serling fever dream. From creatures to spacesuits, the art team of Matteo Scalera and Dean White aesthetically tempers tension of the unknown within the familiar groundwork of vintage sci-fi.” —Robert Tutton, Paste Magazine
“Whatever dark wizards Remender made a deal with to create this story are certainly getting their money's worth. Black Science #1 is the start of a terrifying new thrill ride that I will be reading between my fingers, hands over my eyes.” —Matt Little, Comic Book Resources
“Matteo Scalera's art and Dean White's colors are enough to make you wonder what you did to deserve such a treat.” —Tony Guerrero, Comic Vine
“Without a doubt, this thing is a work of art, the kind of comic you just marvel at. Do yourself a favor and buy Black Science #1. Buy it and get lost in a world of anarchy, science and fantasy.” —Benjamin Bailey, IGN
“The book is completely unlike anything on shelves right now.” —Justin Partridge, III, Newsarama
“As a collaborative effort, Black Science immediately impresses with its relentless sense of wonder mixed with grounded, complex characterization.” —Vince Ostrowski, Multiversity Comics
BLACK SCIENCE #2 has completely sold out at the distributor level, but may still be available in comic stores, and is currently available digitally on the Image Comics website ( and the official Image Comics iOS app, as well as on Comixology on the web (, iOS, Android, and Google Play.
Image Comics is pleased to announce that this first issue will be going back to print to meet customer demand. The second printing of BLACK SCIENCE #2 (Diamond Code NOV138093) will release on 1/22.
BLACK SCIENCE #3 releases 1/22 and will be available for pre-order with Diamond Code NOV130492.



