Back-to-school shopping begins with DEADLY CLASS

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Readers will totally wig out over Issue #7’s new story arc

"A bit like The Breakfast Club but with really, really dangerous kids” —USA Today

Deadly Class is one kick ass comic book. Amazing art, lettering, coloring and story. This is the whole package, folks.” —9.4/10, IGN

Bestselling writer Rick Remender (BLACK SCIENCE, Uncanny Avengers) and artist Wes Craig return with the eagerly anticipated new story arc of the bestselling ‘80s assassination school series in DEADLY CLASS #7. 

DEADLY CLASS #7 begins in March of 1988, about four months after the events of issue #6, when the terrible ramifications of the crew’s actions come back to haunt them. After narrowly escaping death in Las Vegas, Marcus and his remaining gang return to Kings Dominion High School for the Deadly Arts. But they’re about to learn a hard lesson: blood begets blood, and no bad deed goes unpunished. 

“At Kings Dominion the norms of high school life are exponentially magnified,” said Remender. “Sex, drugs, violence, fear, depression, exclusion, and romance become a matter of life and death. The danger is ratcheted up and the body count is going to as well. Wes and Lee have already delivered the performance of their careers and the second arc is somehow better still."  

DEADLY CLASS #7 arrives in stores this 9/17 and will be available for $3.50. It can be pre-ordered using Diamond Code JUL140453. 

