The Worst Comic You Own

loafandjug's picture

What's the worst comic you own? For me it has to be NFL SuperPro. It was out at a time when i was a diehard Spiderman fan and would buy anything he appeared in. Plus it had the big star on the front saying "1st Issue Collectors Item". I was really gulliable back then.



lucstclair's picture

X-Force #1 from Rob Liefeld comes to mind, everybody got this piece of crap when it came out. The only reason to pick it up was because it was the hottest thing on the shelves. Not only did I buy it, I bought 6 different copies because they had different cards in each. One to open so I could read it, if you could call that writing and 5 bagged copies to store away. Waste of time and hard earned money. It makes me mad just thinking about it.