Weekly Spinner Picks

stephengervais's picture
This is a new weekly column in which I'll post my most anticipated comic book releases of the week. Please feel free to comment on my picks and make sure to leave your picks of the week as well.

Alright here we go with this week:

1. Collider #1:  A new DC Vertigo title being launched this week written by Simon Oliver and drawn by Robbi Rodriguez. This title was actually announced a little while ago and had some delays. As I'm always hyped for any new Vertigo title I’m glad this one finally got to see the light of day. The premise is the laws of physics as we know them go amok and a new government agency is formed to investigate why and to save our very existence. As with all Vertigo titles I think we can expect an original story with some great characters. Also I have to mention it has such a wonderful cover drawn by Nathan Fox. This is definitely on the top of my to-read pile this week.

2. BPRD Vampire #5: This miniseries has been a great chapter to the BPRD world written by Mike Mignola and drawn by Fabio Moon and Gabriel Ba. This is the concluding issue so if you missed out on it keep on an eye out for the trade. It’s such classic Mignola monster story telling with as always impressive art from the twins, Moon and Ba. I can’t wait to see how this one ends.

3. Daredevil #29: What more can be said about Mark Waid’s Daredevil that hasn’t already be said?! This series is comic books at their finest. I’ve always told anyone who will listen if I could only read one Marvel book this would be it. This title is always an anticipated release for me and always near the top of my to-read pile.

Those are my personal top 3 most anticipated releases this week. If you agree let me know and if you disagree leave your list. Thanks for reading!


lucstclair's picture
I pretty much agree with every thing you said, except i'm done with the BPRD titles. It was just getting too repetitive.