After going to San Diego Comic-Con for nearly six years in a row, I expected not to be impressed at my first day of the overcrowded show. While my results were fairly mixed on this first Thursday I just attended, there was still some fun to be had. First and foremost it needs to be said that this is a horrific show for any kind of shopping experience, except for toys as for some reason they all seem to be in abundance at San Diego. As a comic book junkie there were only a few vendors that really peaked my interest. Torpedo Comics always has quite a good selection of material available to any

There she was. Amy Chu: co-founder of Alpha Girl Comics. Smiling and chatting amiably amongst her neighbours and fans at the Toronto Comic Con. I walked by her setup a few times only to get the case of the butterflies every time I passed but eventually I racked up the courage to approach her. Smart, down to earth and passionate - her demeanour was comforting. Sitting on her left was talented artist Craig Yeung, who worked on one of Amy's stories in Girls Night Out #1 and who's works have appeared in Runaways and Xmen Legacy. Throughout our comversation, Amy and Craig were able to

    Here there be spoilers.  If you haven’t caught Man of Steel yet, you really don’t want to read this post.  For real, I spoil a big plot point at the climax of the film.  You should turn away now.     Alright, do we just have people who have seen Man of Steel left?  Excellent.  Let’s break into this.  You know the scene we’re going to be talking about.  It’s been blowing up Twitter and comic blogs for the past week.  Friends have come to blows.  Podcasts have erupted into chaos.  

Well it was that time again, comics, cosplay & geek paraphernalia, yes it was Comiccon, nerdgasms & good times were had by all. This was Ottawa’s second show, which I won’t know the full attendance numbers, but it will be greater than last year because they added the Friday to the weekend. With my friend Brian, we waited in line for about an hour & 40 minutes to get in and kudos to the organizers who had the decency to set these giant tents to shelter the people from the rain. Although Stephen and I only went on Saturday, we were there representing CTG by taking pics,

A tower of t-shirts? Must be the Toronto ComiCon! Walking through downtown Toronto towards the Metro Convention centre was no ordinary walk last weekend. Within the hustle and bustle of the city, Bobafetts and Batmen were only some of the few cosplay sightings made around the city and at this year’s 2013 Toronto ComiCon – which sold out on Saturday unfortunately for those who were hoping to score tickets the day of. Every year fans flock to the event to seek the ultimate swag and to mingle not only amongst themselves but also with their favourite writers, creators and


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